If you have ever wondered how tall the biggest tree in Britain is then here is your answer! A 90ft artificial tree has taken planning permission, 12 men and a week's worth of work to decorare. Read the full story by the Metro here:


"Workmen decorate Britain's tallest fake Christmas tree

12th November, 2012

If you are dreading getting out the decorations for your tree this Christmas, spare a thought for the professionals tasked with assembling Britain's tallest fake tree.

With just seven days to put up and decorate the 27.5m (90ft) framework, the 12-man team must have been glad all the fairy lights on the tree were in working order.

They came in a 9km (5.5-mile) chain. Needless to say, the tree at Cheshire Oaks shopping centre, near Ellesmere Port, can be seen for miles.

'The decorations alone weigh six tons. It's so large we had to get planning permission for it,' said John Vasey, 50, project manager for Guildford-based Springfield Decorations in Surrey.

'We even had to check to see if we needed to put a red light on top so aircraft didn't fly into it.'

The tree features 1,000 football-sized red baubles, 20,000 smaller ones and more than 2km of cabling to light it all up."


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